
VOIP Number Portability-phone to phone voip call services Providers

VOIP Number Portability-phone to phone voip call services Providers

VIOP stands for voice over Internet Protocol.VOIP takes analog audio signal and transform themintodigital signal that can be trnsfered over the Internet

Advantages of  VOIP Phone Service:

VoIP technology  deliver services to Internet telephony using packet-switching functions,VoIP has many advantages over circuit switching

For example, packet switching allows several telephone calls to occupy the amount of space occupied by only one in a circuit-switched network. Using PSTN, that 10-minute phone call we talked about earlier consumed 10 full minutes of transmission time at a cost of 128 Kbps. With VoIP, that same call may have occupied only 3.5 minutes of transmission time at a cost of 64 Kbps, leaving another 64 Kbps free for that 3.5 minutes, plus an additional 128 Kbps for the remaining 6.5 minutes


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